11 May 2010

This month in Book Club world sees the morning group discussing J.M. Coetzees' Disgrace and the evening group Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel. Both have won major book prizes in the last year and are must reads.
In the past month interest in joining the book club has skyrocketed, with numerous people wanting to join. Unfortunately both morning and evening groups are full at the moment at Campbelltown library but we do have vacancies at Eaglevale and Ingleburn. So if you are looking to join please contact either library to book your place as soon as possible as both libraries spots are limited.
The next 2 upcoming titles being discussed are both autobiographies. Parky by Michael Parkinson and Barack Obamas' Dreams from my Father. For information on either title and author please follow the links.
For any information please contact me (Carolyn is still on maternity leave) on 46454415.
