30 May 2011

Welcome to a new Month and new post for Book Club!

Due to a number of drop outs and no-shows we now have a few spaces available for both evening and morning groups. If you have a friend who you would like to bring along or you think might be interested please get in contact with me (Dave) on 46454415.

The next meeting will be held on the 29th June at 10.30am for the morning group and 6.30pm for the evening. Both will be held in the meeting room at Campbelltown Library.
Books discussed (amongst other things) are The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas and Cloudstreet.

Upcoming titles for July and August are Joseph Conrads' Heart of Darkness and I Came to Say Goodbye by Caroline Overington. Please click on the links above for further information on the title or author.
