Upcoming titles for book club this month include Go Set A Watchman the sequel to the award winning To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee for the Wednesday morning group.
The Wednesday evening group will be reading Richard Glovers' autobiography Flesh Wounds. Richard's weekly humour column has been published in the Sydney Morning Herald for over twenty years. He also presents the top-rating Drive show on ABC radio in Sydney.
The Monday evening group will be discussing Fever of Animals by Miles Allinson. Miles is a writer and an artist. He was born in Melbourne in 1981. This is his first book.
It is now that time of year for everybody to start thinking about titles for discussion for next year! If there is any particular book you would like to suggest or discuss for your group please let me know here at the Library!
We also have a few spots available for new members to join just give the library a call on 02 4645 4444