5 November 2009

Greetings and hello once again Book Clubbers,

The end of year will be quickly be upon us and the time for book suggestions for next years reading is just about finished. So if you would like to make a suggestion please get it in to myself or Carolyn on these links. david.manchip@campbelltown.nsw.gov.au or carolyn.young@campbelltown.nsw.gov.au

For the penultimate meeting of the year on the 25th of November the day group (10.30am - 11.30am) will be discussing The Great Gatsby and the night group (6.30pm - 7.30pm) The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Both groups will be in the library meeting room this month.

Don't forget the last get together of the year will be on the 16th of December. This will be a joint get together of both groups and light refreshments will be provided on the night.


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